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  1. I like the idea of spending my money on ethically made clothing and shoes. Yet, I have hard to fit feet and compromise by wearing mostly canvas Converse junior (big kids) size 6 high tops to support my often unstable right ankle and wide width. Every other year, I purchase one pair of good quality leather shoes. I don’t work from home, and feel grounded that I’m consuming less leather than most.
    My purse/wallet/belt purchases are all vegan.

    I have shopped online for ethically made clothing. It has been disappointing when the quality and sizing are inconsistent. If I’m paying $10 USD for a single set of undies, they shouldn’t fall as part after five washings on delicate cycle with line dry. Many of us wanting ethically made clothing aren’t seeking leggings and tshirts. I’d love beautiful woven cotton long-sleeved blouses with timeless patterns, for example. Much of women’s dressy clothing is constructed of fabrics that are either not comfortable or pretty in my opinion. I’d be thrilled with a list of beautiful ethically made clothing. Thanks!

    1. Hi Rhea, firstly, well done for trying to see more ethically made clothing. I understand what you mean about performance and style, but I’ve seen both areas improved noticeably over the years. So be sure to check out the list if you haven’t already. In my experience, the challenge is price and access. It’s hard to shop online for reliable clothes when you can’t try them on, and because the supply chains are responsible and these brands aren’t as popular as the mainstream big names, they don’t have as much buying power, which drives the prices up.

      1. NinaMarie says:

        Vegan leather is plastic. Not good for environment. If cows are slaughtered to make burgers, every part should be used. Over consumption is the problem.