If you’re looking for delicious fruit options, check out this list of fruits that start with the letter D. Although these exceptional fruits are not readily available in a typical grocery store, they can certainly be found at farmers’ markets or fruit stands.
These fruits are not only interesting and exotic but also provide important nutrients that are beneficial for our health. Expand your fruit options and experience something new and exciting.
Now let’s learn about the unique fruits that start with D, their benefits, and their importance in our lives.
List of Extraordinary Fruits That Start With Letter D
- Damson
- Dates
- Dragon Fruit
- Durian
- Dewberries
- Desert Lime
- Dekopon
- Desert King Fig
- Double Coconut
- Discovery Apple
- Dinosaur Eggs
- Desert Quandong
- Davidson’s Plums
- Dead Man’s Fingers
- Desert Banana
- Duku Fruit
- Dodder Laurel
- Darwin’s Barberry
- Darling Plum
- Dabai Fruit
- Dracontomelon
This table helps you to find the best fruits that start with D.
Name of Fruits | Alternate Name | Calories (per 100g) |
Damson | Damascene | 12 Cal |
Dates | Dayri, Barhi, Medjool also known as California date | 282 Cal |
Dragon Fruit | Pitahaya, Yellow Pitahaya, Or Pitaya | 60 Cal |
Durian | Thorny fruit, stinky fruit, and Tropical fruit. | 357 Cal |
Dewberries | Ground Berries | 43 Cal |
Now let’s find out some unique fruits and interesting facts about fruits that start with the letter D.
1. Damson
Damson plums not only produce delicious fruit in late spring but also give the plant beautiful white clusters. Their dark green foliage with purple-blue fruits complements each other to create an attractive display. You get between August and September every year. If you pick them before they are ripe, they taste sour, while fully ripe plum has a sweet-sour flavor.
Origin: Originating from Great Britain
Scientific Name: Prunus domestica subsp. insititia
Alternate Names: Damascene
Nutritional Value Per 100g:
- Calories: 12 Cal
- Fat: 0g
- Sodium: 0 mg
- Carbohydrates: 3 g
- Fiber: 0 g
- Sugars: 3 g
- Protein: 0g
Health Benefits:
- Support In Digestion
- Enhance Heart Health
- Boost Energy Levels
- Anticancer Potential
- Help in Sleep
- Increase Immunity
- Improve Bone Health
Varieties: White Damson
Allergies (if any):
- Itching
- swelling
- itching in the throat
- runny nose
- watery eyes
Culinary Use: It is used in baking, ice cream, and summer pudding, fermented, and pickled.
2. Date fruit
Date fruit is an ancient fruit. It has the world’s sweetest fruit. It is a flowering plant in the Aceraceae family. It can be eaten both dry and fresh. Its shape is oval with single-seed fruit. The skin is sticky but edible with natural sugars. It grows in tropical to subtropical regions. The fruit must be required to grow in dry and at a warm temperature. It comes in the autumn and winter seasons.
Origin: It does not define the origin of dates but is first known from the Fertile Crescent between Egypt and Mesopotamia.
Scientific Name: Phoenix Dactylifera
Alternate Names: Dayri, Barhi, Medjool also known as California date
Nutritional Value Per 100g:
- Calories: 282 Cal
- Fat: 0.4g
- Sodium: 2 mg
- Carbohydrates: 75 g
- Fiber: 8 g
- Sugars: 63 g
- Protein: 2.5g
Health Benefits:
- May Help with Healthy Digestion.
- May Help Heart Health.
- May Help Control Blood Sugar.
- Excellent for Healthy Bones.
- Prebiotic Potential.
Varieties: There are 17 different varieties, but one of the most popular varieties of dates is California Dates.
Allergies (if any): Rashes and itching on the skin, red and watery eyes, runny nose.
Culinary Use: These can be eaten raw or chopped dates are used in cookies, salads, and cakes.
3. Dragon Fruit
Dragon fruit is a member of the cactus family. It is a combination of pear and kiwi. It is oval-shaped and has white flesh with black seeds inside. The skin of the dragon fruit is a thin peel. The skin is usually covered with scales. When the dragon fruit is ripe, its taste is likely to be slightly sweeter and juicier than that of pears and kiwis, and the raw dragon fruit has flavor.
Origin: Originally from Central America.
Scientific Name: Selenicereus Undatus
Alternate Names: Pitahaya, Yellow Pitahaya, Or Pitaya.
Nutritional Value Per 100g:
- Calories: 60 Cal
- Fat: 0g
- Sodium: 0 mg
- Carbohydrates: 12.94 g
- Fiber: 2.9 g
- Sugars: 7.65 g
- Protein: 1.18g
Health Benefits:
- Less Likely to Develop Diabetes.
- Less Chance of Cancer.
- Good for Boosting the Immune System.
- Good For Digestion.
- Good For Heart Health.
- Anti-Aging Properties for Skin.
- Aids In Hair Health.
- Great For Healthy Bones.
Varieties: Hylocereus umlauts, Hylocereus polyrhizus, Hylocereus guatemalensis, Selenicereus megalanthus
Allergies (if any): Swelling on the tongue, vomiting, nausea.
Culinary Use: It is used in smoothies, cakes, and pastries, and is also eaten raw.
4. Durian
Durian is one of the fruits that start with D. It is also named the king of the fruits that start with the letter D. This fruit belongs to the Mallow Family. Its taste is slightly sweet and the aroma is tangy. The size and shape of the frame is large and oval. The outside of the fruit is hard, thick, and
covered with a sharp yellow and yellow-recolour. It has five oval pods filled with a soft, fleshy pulp that varies in colour from cream to yellow or even red. The fruiting season is spring and summer.
Origin: Native to the Island of Borneo
Scientific Name: Durio
Alternate Names: Thorny fruit, stinky fruit, and Tropical fruit.
Nutritional Value Per 100g:
- Calories: 357 Cal
- Fat: 13g
- Sodium: 4.9mg
- Carbohydrates: 66g
- Fiber: 9.2 g
- Sugars: 0 g
- Protein: 3.6g
Health Benefits:
- May aid heart health
- Best for a healthy pregnancy
- Pain is reduced
- Can help with healthy digestion
- Reduce nutritional deficiencies in older adults
Varieties: It has various varieties. Some of them are edible and some are inedible. Durio Macrantha, Durio Johoricus, and Durio Perakanius are edible and popular varieties.
Allergies (if any): Itchy Skin, Runny Nose, Nasal Congestion, Vomiting, And Many Others.
Culinary Use: It is used for juice, smoothies, desserts, and also eaten raw.
5. Dewberries
Dewberries are small fruits that grow on branches along the ground. It is one of the famous fruit-bearing shrubs. This fruit is part of the rose family. These are durable and tasty berries that are a combination of blackberries and raspberries. They bloom between June and September. They are available at the end of March or in May when they ripen. The color of the berries is dark purple to black.
Origin: Native to America
Scientific Name: Rubus Caesius
Alternate Names: Ground Berries
Nutritional Value Per 100g:
- Calories: 43 Cal
- Fat: 0.49g
- Sodium: 1mg
- Carbohydrates: 9.61g
- Fiber: 5.3 g
- Sugars: 4.88 g
- Protein: 1.39g
Health Benefits:
- Increase brain function
- Excellent for eye health
- Great for all types of cancer
- Increases the function of the heart
- Increases immunity
- Weight loss support
- Strengthen bone health
- Good for the skin
- Maintains a healthy pregnancy
- Aids in digestion
Varieties: Rubus Aboriginum, Aberdeen Dewberry, Northern Dewberry, Swamp Dewberry, Upland Dewberry, Pacific Dewberry, Southern Dewberry
Allergies (if any): Throat and mouth and itchy skin, hives, cough and wheezing, dizziness or headache diarrhea, vomiting, and feeling of tightness in the throat.
Culinary Use: It is used in fruit cocktails, smoothies, cakes, and fruit salad.
6. Desert lime
Desert lime is the world’s most well-known fruit that starts with D. It is known as a superfruit. They are flowering plants. In the spring season, their flowers bloom and the fruit matures in early summer. They are green in color when unripe and turn yellow with a pungent and sour taste when ripe, like traditional lime. It is a pack of Vitamin C.
Origin: Native to South Australia, New South Wales, and Queensland.
Scientific Name: Citrus Glauca
Alternate Names: Wild Lime, Bush Lime
Nutritional Value Per 100g:
- Calories: 80 Cal
- Fat: 0g
- Sodium: 100 mg
- Carbohydrates: 19g
- Fiber: 0.00 g
- Sugars: 19 g
- Protein: 2g
Health Benefits:
- Increase Immunity
- Increase bone strength
Varieties: Persian Limes, Mexican Limes, Makrut Limes, Limequats, Finger Limes, Sweet Limes, Rangpur Limes, Spanish Limes, Loomis Limes, Calamansi Limes
Allergies (if any): Runny nose, Vomiting, Rush, itching of the inside mouth, Swelling in the throat, Sneezing, Hives and more
Culinary Use: It is used for cake, biscuits, curd, chocolate, and ice-cream
7. Dekopon
Dekopon is the world’s favorite, beloved, and succulent fruit. It’s like an orange. The fruit combination of Navel, Pomelo, and Mandarin orange. A Japanese hybrid in the family Rutaceae. It is a seedless fruit with an oval and round shape. It is easy to peel and displays a pale orange to yellow-orange color. It is available in December but cropping season is between March and April. It has a sweet and sour taste.
Origin: Native to Japan
Scientific Name: Citrus reticulata
Alternate Names: Shiranui, Hellabong, Kinsei, Sumo citrus
Nutritional Value Per 100g:
- Calories: 147 Cal
- Fat: 0g
- Sodium: 0mg
- Carbohydrates: 35g
- Fiber: 3 g
- Sugars: 0 g
- Protein: 3g
Health Benefits:
- Boosts Resistance Power
- Sustaining Healthy Organ Function
- Make Healthy Bones and Teeth
- Grows Haemoglobin
Varieties: Kankitsu citrus, Tangy citrus, Iyokan orange, Amanatsu orange, Kawachi Bankan, Unshiu mikan
Culinary Use: It can be eaten fresh in snacks, palate cleansers, and healthy desserts.
8. desert King Fig
The desert king fruit is one of the best varieties of fruits that start with the letter D. It is a large fruit with effective and trustworthy fruit. The outer colour of this fruit is green which turns yellow when ripe and the inner flesh is strawberry red. It is a very tasty and sweet fruit similar to strawberry and honey. It is available in the mid-summer season and mostly in the early autumn.
Origin: Native to Madera, California
Scientific Name: Ficus Carioca
Alternate Names: San Pedro Type Fig and White king
Nutritional Value Per 100g:
- Calories: 74 Cal
- Fat: 0.3g
- Sodium: 1 mg
- Carbohydrates: 19.18 g
- Fiber: 3 g
- Sugars: 16.3 g
- Protein: 0.8g
Health Benefits:
- Can Control Damaged Cells
- Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases
- Help In Cancer Prevention
- Help with IBS Symptom Management
- Helps to Get Rid of Constipation
Varieties: Hardy Chicago, Black Madeira
Allergies (if any): Skin rashes, digestive problems, swelling and itching.
Culinary Use: It is used for jam and fruit salad, and can be eaten as fresh or dried fruit.
9. double coconut
A single large seed of a double coconut is 12 inches long and weighs 20 kg, which is said to be the world’s largest seed fruit. It is one of the types of coconut, which comes from the palm family. Its shape is like the bilobed seed of a pair of hips.
According to ancient mythology, it has so many medicinal properties. Its maturity time is up to 7 years on the palm and it can take 2 years to grow after reaching the ground.
Origin: Native to the Seychelles island in the Indian Ocean
Scientific Name: Lodoicea Maldivica
Alternate Names: Sea Coconut and Coco de mer
Nutritional Value Per 100g:
- Calories: 354 Cal
- Fat: 33.49g
- Sodium: 20 mg
- Carbohydrates: 15.23g
- Fiber: 9 g
- Sugars: 6.23 g
- Protein: 3.33g
Health Benefits:
- Help prevent Diabetes
- Help in controlling urine sugar
- Help reduce fever
- It is effective in vata and kapha, cholera, hyperdipsia, swelling, chronic diarrhea, and colic.
Allergies (if any): Breathing problems, abdomen pain, hives
Culinary Use: Double coconut pie, pudding, salted caramel sauce, muffins
10. Discovery Apple
In 1949, Mr. Drummer discovered this apple for the first time in combination with Worcester Pearmain, one thing that has not yet been defined. This is the award-winning apple. One of the most famous early English apples. Its skin colour is yellow-green, turning blood-red as it ripens.
The cone-shaped to spherical shape appears slightly flattened, irregular, and tapering. It has a sweet and tangy taste like strawberry. It is available in the autumn season.
Origin: Native to Langham, Essex, England
Scientific Name: Malus domestica
Alternate Names: Thurston August and Dummer’s Pippin apples
Nutritional Value Per 100g:
- Calories: 80 Cal
- Fat: 0g
- Sodium: 0mg
- Carbohydrates: 22g
- Fiber: 5 g
- Sugars: 16 g
- Protein: 0g
Health Benefits:
- Controls Digestive Systems
- Liquid Level Offset
- Boost Resistant Power
- Lower Inflammation
Allergies (if any): Skin rashes, itching mouth and throat, selling on lips and eyelids, abdomen pain.
Culinary Use: Smoothies and juice
11. Dinosaur eggs
Dinosaur eggs are not eggs; it is fruit. This is a fruit nickname for that type of pluot. It is a cross of three parts apricot and one part plum. It is large with light green to yellow, red mottled skin, red and pink juicy flesh, firm flesh, and medium late ripening. Floyd Zaiger discovered this fruit.
Origin: Native to California
Alternate Names: Dapple, Hand Grenade
Nutritional Value Per 100g:
- Calories: 80 Cal
- Fat: 0g
- Sodium: 0mg
- Carbohydrates: 19g
- Fiber: 3 g
- Sugars: 15 g
- Protein: 1g
Health Benefits:
- Prevents Damage Cells
- Enhance The Health Of The Heart
- Reduces The Risk Of Diabetes
- Help In Constipation
- Boosts Eye Health
Varieties: Plumcots, Dapple Dandy
Allergies (if any): Diarrhea and Gases
Culinary Use: Ice cream, salad or yogurt
12. Desert Quandong
It is a hemiparasitic plant that comes from the sandalwood family. This fruit is used for its unique taste. It is the inflorescence of an evergreen tree. The shelled seeds can be removed and crushed into a paste. They are green to bright red when ripe.
The skin of the fruit is waxy. It is available at the end of the spring or summer season. Flowers may be greenish or creamy white on the outside and red or yellowish brown on the inside. The fruit is ready after 4 years and is red or sometimes yellow.
Origin: Native to Australia
Scientific Name: Santalum acuminatum
Alternate Names: Sweet quandong, Native Peach
Nutritional Value Per 100g:
- Calories: 206 Cal
- Fat: 0g
- Sodium: 0 mg
- Carbohydrates: 8.1g
- Fiber: 4.2 g
- Sugars: 8.1 g
- Protein: 2.5g
Health Benefits:
- Improves the Immune System
- Aid Inflammation
- Protect Against Cancer
- Protect Against Cardiovascular Disease
- Protect Against Alzheimer’s Disease.
Varieties: Santalum lanceolatum, Santalum murrayanum, Terminalia cunninghamii
Allergies (if any): Asthma, Itching Skin Rash
Culinary Use: Jam, pies, chutney, and sometimes eaten raw.
13. Davidson’s Plums
It is an Australian legendary fruit that belongs to the Cunoniaceae family. It is the most famous indigenous plum. It has a soft juicy pulp with an acidic taste but is dark purple. The shape of this fruit is round and small with an oblong shape. It is available for a few weeks in summer and generally from December to January.
Origin: Native to Australia
Scientific Name: Davidsonia Jerseyana
Alternate Names: NSW Davidson Plum, Old Davidson Plum, Queensland Itchtree, Ooray Smooth Davidsonia
Nutritional Value Per 100g-
- Calories: 264 Cal
- Fat: 0.2g
- Sodium: 0mg
- Carbohydrates: 14.3g
- Fiber: 0 g
- Sugars: 3.9 g
- Protein: 1g
Health Benefits:
- Suitable For All Skin Problems
- Great For Digestion
- Support Weight Loss
- Useful For Eye Health
- Improves the Immune System
- Good For Brain Function
- Aid To Heart Health
Varieties: Davidsonia johnsonii and Davidsonia pruriens.
Allergies (if any): Abdominal pain, vomiting, urticaria
Culinary Use: Cake, jam, mayonnaise, sauce, yogurt, and ice cream
14. dead man’s finger
The dead man’s finger is a fruit of the Lardizabalaceae family. It is a shrub that has blue pods with black seeds. There is a flowering plant in it. Generally, the flowers bloom in the summer and ripen in the fall around Halloween. The pods measure up to 20 inches long and taste sweet with a hint of melon and cucumber.
Origin: Originally from China, Bhutan, Nepal, and Myanmar
Scientific Name: Decaisnea insignis
Alternate Names: Blue Sausage Fruit, Blue Cucumber Shrub and Blue Bean Tree
Nutritional Value Per 100g:
- Calories: 215 Cal
- Fat: 0g
- Sodium: 0mg
- Carbohydrates: 2.7g
- Fiber: 0 g
- Sugars: 0 g
- Protein: 0g
Varieties: Decaisnea fargesii
Allergies (if any): Oral Allergy Syndrome
Culinary Use: Jelly
15. Dessert bananas
Dessert bananas are called a superfood. This fruit belongs to the Musaceae family. These are the tropical flowering plants that characteristically display banana fruit at the top of the plant. The dessert banana means that the banana is eaten after the main meal according to the expert of banana.
Most of the bananas weigh 30 g but some of them are up to 300 g weighted. The color of the bark is often bright yellow but can also be red and orange. the taste has the importance of being sweeter than others.
Origin: Native to Southern Asia
Scientific Name: Musa acuminata
Alternate Names: Pisang, Kluai, Chuoi
Nutritional Value Per 100g:
- Calories: 89 Cal
- Fat: 0.33g
- Sodium: 0mg
- Carbohydrates: 22.84g
- Fiber: 12.23 g
- Sugars: 2.6 g
- Protein: 1.09g
Health Benefits:
- Improve Heart Health
- Support for weight loss
- Good for the digestive system
- Great for diabetes type 2
- Good for kidney function
Varieties: Cavendish, Berangan, and Lady Finger Banana
Allergies (if any): Itching, runny nose, Abdomen pain, vomiting, hives
Culinary Use: Cake, bread, smoothies, ice cream, muffins, pancakes
16. Duku fruit
Duku fruit is small in size with spheroidal to avoid in shape. It can grow in enormous bunches of about ten fruits. This has come from the Meliaceae family. When eaten after ripening, the fruit tastes sweet and has a bitter aftertaste similar to grapes.
The skin of the fruit is thick and tough and pale yellow. When it is prepared, it forms brown spots at the time of ripening. They cannot survive in a dry atmosphere, preferring moist air.
Origin: Native to South-East Asia
Scientific Name: Lansium Domesticum
Alternate Names: Lanzones, Langsat, Longkong, Dokong
Nutritional Value Per 100g:
- Calories: 70 Cal
- Fat: 0.2g
- Sodium: 0mg
- Carbohydrates: 13g
- Fiber: 0 g
- Sugars: 0 g
- Protein: 1.0g
Health Benefits:
- Improve Digestive System
- Keeping Gum Health
- Prevent Cancer
- Control Premature Aging
- Good For Teeth And Bone Health
Varieties: Lansium
Allergies (if any): Oral Allergy Syndrome
Culinary Use: Snacks and desserts
17. Dodder laurel
Dodder laurel belongs to the Lauraceae family. This is the flowering plant that has countless thin twins of stem with no leaves. This plant is like the wilding, its color is light green with small flowers. They form a fruit that birds and animals eat to share.
This is a small berry fruit that is rounded with a single seed. When it is ripened turn green to white. There is no chlorophyll found that’s why they produce their food with the help of haustoria. These are similar to the root organ that penetrates the host plant tissue and destroys it. The stem of the dodder can be yellow, orange, pink, or brown.
Origin: Native to Australia
Scientific Name: Cassytha
Alternate Names: Kauna’oa Pehu, Kauna’oa Malo-Lo, Kauna’oa Uka, Kauna’oa, Malolo, Pololo, Woe Vine, And Love Vine.
Nutritional Value Per 100g:
- Calories: 0 Cal
- Fat: 1g
- Sodium: 1mg
- Carbohydrates: 13.1g
- Fiber: 1 g
- Sugars: 1 g
- Protein: 1g
Health Benefits:
- Good For Urinary Tract
- Great For Sleep
- Helping The Mentally Ill
- Reduce Liver Disorder
- Prevents Cancer
- Prevents Depression
- Pain Relief
Varieties: Cassytha aurea, Cassytha candida, Cassytha capillaries, Cassytha flava, Cassytha flindersii
Allergies (if any): Sneezing, Runny Nose, Itching
Culinary Use: It is used for medicine
18. Darwin’s barberry
Darwin’s barberry is an evergreen bush with broadleaf. This is a flowering plant with yellow-orange flowers that can produce red flowers in small sizes and rounded shapes. It belongs to the Berberidaceae family. It is adapted to forest and woodland habitats.
The flower has a sweet taste but when it ripens and turns into berry it has a sour taste. Flowers appear in spring and fruits are available from July to August. It contains lots of seeds
Origin: Native to Chile and Argentina
Scientific Name: Berberis darwinii
Alternate Names: Michay, Calafate, And Quelung
Nutritional Value Per 100g:
- Calories: 89 Cal
- Fat: 1g
- Sodium: 0mg
- Carbohydrates: 18g
- Fiber: 3 g
- Sugars: 0 g
- Protein: 1g
Health Benefits:
- Aid Diabetes
- Treatment Diarrhea
- Prevents Metabolic Syndrome
- Great for Tooth Health
- Prevents Cancer
Allergies (if any): Vomiting
Culinary Use: Jam
19. Darling plum
Darling plum is a perennial flowering tree. It is a small-sized tree. This is an oval-shaped fruit. It is available year-round but the peak period of availability is spring to summer.
Origin: Native to South Florida and the West Indies
Scientific Name: Reynosia septentrionalis
Nutritional Value Per 100g:
- Calories: 46 Cal
- Fat: 0.28g
- Sodium: 0mg
- Carbohydrates: 11.42g
- Fiber: 1.4 g
- Sugars: 9.92 g
- Protein: 0.7g
Health Benefits:
- Good for heart disease
- Great for constipation
- Control blood pressure
- Good for bone health
Allergies (if any): Oral Allergy Syndrome
Culinary Use: Raw or Cooked.
20. Dabai fruit
The Dabai fruit is a small size flowering plant. It is a native seasonal fruit. This is very astringent when eaten raw; it tastes like an avocado when soaked. It is an oval-shaped fruit. This is a seasonal fruit that’s why it is available twice a year such as May-June and December-January. The color of the fruit is black and blue.
Origin: Native to Borneo
Scientific Name: Canarium odontophyllum
Alternate Names: Sibu olive, Tropical olive.
Nutritional Value Per 100g:
- Calories: 339 Cal
- Fat: 26.2g
- Sodium: 0mg
- Carbohydrates: 22.1g
- Fiber: 4.3 g
- Sugars: 0 g
- Protein: 3.8g
Health Benefits:
- Prevents Cancer
- Good Eye Health
- Improve Bone Health
- Great For Skin Health
- Good For Weight Loss
- Maintain Hair Health
Varieties: Song, Kapit, Intermediate, Egg Yolk, Tarat, Red Dabai, and Pulau Keladi
Allergies (if any): Oral Allergy Syndrome
Culinary Use: Dabai Fried Rice, Dabai Sauce, Dabai Mayonnaise, Dabai Ice Cream, And Dried Dabai
21. Dracontomelon
Dracontomelon is well known in the northern areas for its seasonal availability. It is available from May to August. Due to its short availability people are stored in the fridge for use all over the year. It is similar to the cashew nut and belongs to the Anacardiaceae family.
Origin: Mostly available in SE Asia and Pacific Islands
Scientific Name: Dracontomelon brachyphyllum
Alternate Names: Argus Pheasant Tree, New Guinea Walnut, Pacific Walnut, Papuan Walnut, Asam Kuang, Sengkuang, Sekuan, Kueh
Nutritional Value Per 100g:
- Calories: 19 Cal
- Fat: 0g
- Sodium: 67 mg
- Carbohydrates: 3g
- Fiber: 0 g
- Sugars: 0 g
- Protein: 1.8g
Varieties: Dracontomelon cumingianum, Dracontomelon edule, Dracontomelon mangiferum
Allergies (if any): Itching, skin irritation, internal ulcers, sore throat
Culinary Use: Medicine, Eaten Raw or cooked
Frequently Asked Questions
Which of these fruits that start with the letter D are expensive?
Double coconut is a very expensive fruit that starts with the letter D. It has lots of medicinal properties and is the largest fruit in the world.
Which of the fruits starting with the letter “D” are rarest?
Double coconut is the rarest fruit that starts with D which is grown in the islands of Seychelles
What is a stone fruit that starts with the letter D?
Dates are the stone fruit. It is grown in tropical areas and you can eat dried or fresh with a sweet flavour and colour is red turns to yellow and brown.
What is the smelly fruit that starts with D?
Durian is the smelly fruit that starts with D. It has a different smell and flavor. The smell is likely the onion and garlic and the flavour is light sweet and nutty.
In this article we learned about a particular letter fruit that starts with D. These fruits have special characteristics which makes it easier to distinguish which one is best for you. With 21 different fruits to choose from, there are plenty of options that offer nutritional benefits and various health benefits. Overall, this article is a great resource for anyone who is looking to learn about fruits that start with D.
Plus, Explore more fruit-name articles,
- Fruits that Start with A
- Fruits that Start with B
- Fruits that Start with C
- Fruits that Start with E
- Fruits that Start with F
- Fruits that Start with G
- Fruits that Start with H
- Fruits that Start with I
- Fruits that Start with J
- Fruits that Start with K
- Fruits that Start with M
- Fruits that Start with N
- Fruits that Start with O
- Fruits that Start with P
- Fruits that Start with Q
- Fruits that Start with R
- Fruits that Start with S
- Fruits that Start with T
- Fruits that Start with U
- Fruits that Start with V
- Fruits that Start with X
- Fruits that Start with Y
Thank you. Now I have a nice list of fruits.