Minimalist Vegans Moving To Slovenia - Episode 014

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  1. Did you ever move to Slovenia?

  2. Ticks: we have a spray we use on our dog that’s made from natural herbs and essential oils and can be used on humans too. Works fairly well, however, for doggies safety in the summer (height of tick season–funny how we have seasons for pesky things that come after us, growing up in Northern Cal, we had spider web season. webs would blow through the air and stick to you. LOL) since doggy is running about, we do give him tick medicine because the tick population is so heavy, we live in the woods where there are lots of deer. After we found a bloated tick on his doggy bed that obviously fed until it was full and then fell off (I’ve totally got the heebs right now) we take extra precautions.
    We cover our skin when out in the garden, yard or woods. I HATE insects especially the ones that host on you and suck your blood and leave behind bad things.
    Oh and eat lots of garlic too most insect dislike garlic flavored blood and Google natural essential oils and herbs for detracting ticks.
    Hope this helps.
    MidWest, USA

  3. Hi Aljeesh, wow, what an exciting time for you and your family!
    We’re still based in Australia, and our move will be pushed till sometime next year. If things line up, we would love to connect. But based on your “look around” we may be picking your brain haha.
    Drop us an email as you get further along in your journey.
    Michael & Maša

  4. Thanks so much for sharing Yurena and for your lovely comment. It’s slowly starting to shift. We love Loving Hut. The one in Ljubljana, in particular, is one of our favourites. Imagine what it would have been like 20 years ago if it’s still a struggle now?! Enjoy Bulgaria!