Beyond Meat flexes its European muscle

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  1. Cynthia Williams says:

    It seems like if you are going vegan, and I do on some days and most meals except dinner. I never feel the need to “fake” meat. I can do salads, beans, soups, flat breads, toasts, etc, without “prentending” I am eating meat. If a vegan is that immersed in the arena of “meat” or “animal” free, why fake it? Just eat the balanced veggie diet. Too many unknowns in that fake meat or cheese, etc, to be worth the while.

  2. Jorge Clar says:

    Personally, if I make the decision to eat according to a regimen, I eat what that regimen includes. If I don’t want eggs for the sake of animal rights, for example, I just don’t eat them. I don’t look for taste substitutes. I explore new flavors. I think it’s important to separate food from pleasure (another form of indoctrination). It is enjoyable to eat. Our body is wired to enjoy eating. Equating it with pleasure, and thus creating a yearning for certain foods we’re turning away from, adds unnecessary complication.

  3. Cheri Lundstrom says:

    I figure people should eat whatever makes them happy. Soy products do not agree with me at all nor do most legumes. Almond milk takes enormous amounts of water and is ecologically not sustainable. I don’t drink milk anymore. Goat milk seems to be a better choice if I really desire milk. I haven’t found a fake meat that works for me and find that the added cost is more than I can afford.

  4. I think it’s a complex issue, on one hand these products are saving animal suffering – which is very important. On the other hand a lot of plastic waste is created from these products, which in turn can impact animals and is harming our planet. Plus in terms of ingredients, I’ve seen a lot of these options use vegetable oils as the main ingredient, as well as other ingredients that I wouldn’t want to regularly consume (flavour enhancers etc). Depending on their diet, consumers may need to be mindful of whether they are getting enough nutrition from these products – as you say, there are definitely some good products out there, but also some not so good ones. Each to their own I suppose 😀

    1. Excellent points about plastic waste and ingredients. We face the same dilemma with tofu and tempeh and convenience in general. It’s not easy!

  5. Mary Franceschini says:

    I have to admit that once a week or so, I do eat chicken, but I always aim for “humanely raised” and local farmers. I do not eat red meat. I eat a vegan sandwich for a snack or just have a banana with berries. My main choice is pasta, rice, or potatoes with veggies for meals.

  6. Lesley Ericson says:

    I do not like burgers , steak , bacon etc , so see no reason to eat ” fake ‘ versions of these.