Search Results for: declutter

Decluttering Checklist For Minimalists (Over 100 Ideas + Free PDF)

Decluttering Checklist For Minimalists (Over 100 Ideas + Free PDF)

This post includes a decluttering checklist with over 100 ideas of what you can get rid of as a minimalist. You’ll have a starting point for figuring out what to cut in each area of your life, from your wardrobe to your digital data. I’ve also created a free printable PDF version of the minimalism…

Japanese Minimalism: 5 Principles to Help You Declutter Your Life

Japanese Minimalism: 5 Principles to Help You Declutter Your Life

If you’re looking for ways to declutter your life, you may want to look to Japan. Japanese minimalism has been gaining popularity in the West in recent years, and for good reason. Japanese minimalists have a unique approach to simplicity that can teach us how to live a more intentional lifestyle. In this article, I…

How To Start Decluttering When Overwhelmed: 9 Doable Actions

How To Start Decluttering When Overwhelmed: 9 Doable Actions

When it comes to decluttering, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed before you even start. You’re probably thinking, “my house is so cluttered I don’t know where to start”. But you know what else is overwhelming? Having kids. Consistently eating well and exercising. Studying for an exam. Yet we do these “hard” things all the time….

Minimalist Tips For Decluttering Your Home

Minimalist Tips For Decluttering Your Home

There’s no upside to clutter. The excess amount of things we have but don’t need takes up valuable space in our environments and minds. Clutter has been linked to elevated levels of cortisol, disrupted focus, and procrastination. Decluttering, together with adopting a minimalist mindset, is key to bringing intentionality to your life. Having and wanting…

Why You’re Procrastinating To Declutter – Episode 035

Why You’re Procrastinating To Declutter – Episode 035

Physical clutter can be incredibly overwhelming. Clutter on bench tops prevents you from getting full functionality out of your furniture. Clutter in your wardrobe creates too many decisions for you to make about what you’re going to wear. And clutter in your spare room represents a long list of to-dos you need to deal with….

12 Best Minimalism Books in 2024 for Minimalist Lifestyle

12 Best Minimalism Books in 2024 for Minimalist Lifestyle

You can find many books on minimalism available in the market. There are some books covering the minimalist lifestyle and benefits, but there is no mention of how to change or manage your life in minimalism. Book reading is the best research to increase your knowledge and interest in minimalism and make your life simple…

The 20 Best Minimalist Clothing Style Fashion Outfits 2024

The 20 Best Minimalist Clothing Style Fashion Outfits 2024

Once you’re hit with a season of minimalist style, know that there is no looking back. Though the minimalist elegance is understated, its charm and aura speak for itself. From aiding you in having a chic yet capsule wardrobe to motivating you to take on essential outfits that always outrun the trend, this quiet luxury…

About (New)

welcome, friends! Thank you so much for stopping by our little space on the World Wide Web! We’re here to inspire millions of people to become more conscious consumers, living with less stuff and more compassion. Since 2015, the Minimalist Vegan has been a space where you can be curious to go deeper and not…

7 Ways To Develop a Minimalist Mindset Today

7 Ways To Develop a Minimalist Mindset Today

You’ve been programmed to believe that more is better. You’re told that you must buy the newest iPhone, have the most Instagram followers, and live in the biggest house in the nicest neighbourhood. And for what? To keep up with the Joneses? To impress your friends, family, and everyone who has ever doubted you? Striving…

Minimalism vs. Maximalism: Differences, Similarities, and Use Cases

Minimalism vs. Maximalism: Differences, Similarities, and Use Cases

Minimalism is the philosophy of living with less, while maximalism is all about having more. In terms of design, minimalism focuses on simplicity. Maximalism embraces extravagance. So, when it comes to minimalism vs. maximalism, which one is right for you? Can you be a maximalist and a minimalist simultaneously? We answer these questions and more…