minimalist mindset example 1

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  1. Tony Volkas @ 1PLs says:

    Minimalism concept keeps my mind at ease. I feel calm and relaxed when there are not a lot of disturbing things around me. If so – I kinda start to feel paranoid, my mind is whirred on and I can not focus on the things I got to do. Trying to slow down and think thoroughly help me to get me back on track. So good to not have my mind overstimulated by things. I try to appreciate every thing around me, and not make it to the comparison to others – which version of IPhone I have, who wears what and etc.

    Your post is a good guide, thank you for this and have a good day!

  2. Haberci61 says:

    Pretty! This has been a really wonderful post. Many thanks for providing these details.

  3. Thank you for sharing these helpful principles for developing a minimalist mindset. It’s so easy to get caught up in the societal pressure to constantly strive for more, and it’s refreshing to be reminded of the importance of gratitude and simplicity. Your suggestions for practicing gratitude and decluttering, both physically and mentally, are especially useful. I will definitely try to incorporate these into my own life. Thank you for the thought-provoking and insightful post.

  4. Thank your article the Minimalit Vegan, you are right being a minimalist isn’t about deprivation :

    – You can still have fun and find ways to enjoy life. You can still pursue your passions and live a rewarding life –
    You can still afford to spoil yourself from time to time
    -You can even go on a shopping spree occasionally.

    The point is, you want your values to align with what you’re working towards so that it feels right, not something that you’re trying to force onto yourself because you feel deprived of it all the other 364 days of the year. Minimalism shouldn’t be treated as a sacrifice; on the contrary, it should fulfill you, motivate and inspire you to pursue healthy habits, and help you prioritize what matters most in this short amount of time called life.

    Moreover, sometimes the best things in life are free, or at least inexpensive. You don’t need a $10 cup of coffee to be happy. You don’t need a big house in the ‘right neighbourhood’ to have friends. And you don’t need to keep up with the neighbours to be satisfied with your life. There are hundreds of more affordable ways to find fulfillment, self-expression and happiness.
    Life doesn’t have to be complicated and expensive to be amazing—and if you do it right, it can even be simpler!

  5. Thank you for this perfect reminder. These steps can quickly make us feel so much more fulfilled. I still can’t believe how little effort makes a big difference.

  6. Agree with everything, except that keeping your tech updated is how you will be able to use the technology safely and at a speed that suits a minimalist life-style, especially if you have digitised everything and plan on streaming those movies. Technology changes quickly and has inbuilt obsolescence but you certainly don’t need to upgrade every year just to have the latest I agree. I upgrade my phone every 5 years right when it starts to slow down and have issues.

  7. Great post! As a Vietnam veteran I am grateful for each day but it never hurts to be reminded with great posts like yours. Keep up the good work.