The Life Cycle of a Product

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  1. Very well writing. I have really enjoyed reading it. I think way lot of people should think about what they buying, especially women as they are buying clothes without thinking just cause its looks nice and ending up having full house of clothes and jewellery and everything they dont even use.
    I’ve been trying to be minimalist for quite a time now and I think I’m doing good but still trying more so I accept the challenge as well and from now on everything I buy in thins month I will first think forward.
    Thank you. I love your page.

    1. Thank you Linda. I think the problem is that things (as you mention clothes and jewellery) are made so cheap that you don’t even have to think twice because wearing only once, you get the “value” out of that item. So of course, naturally, we have so much that we don’t need/wear/use.

      Glad to hear it, hope it goes well and I’d love to hear how you go!

  2. Brilliant post. If I’m tempted to buy something I try to remind myself that ultimately that thing I purchased is going to end up in landfill eventually I nearly always put it straight back on the shelf. Thanks for your thought provoking post.

  3. Really enjoyed this read. I am going to accept the challenge for the next 10 items I buy.

  4. On the weekend, I was at a party where a group of people were talking about how many great things they were finding on the curb since the Kondo series hit Netflix. I wondered how many people clearing all the clutter gave a thought to their environmental responsibilities and the impact of just throwing everything away. Such a timely article !

    1. Makes you wonder right? Out of sight, out of mind is the mentality, unfortunately. Glad you enjoyed it 🙂