shopping in the streets - consumerism

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  1. Regarding extending the lifespan of your things. I recently replaced a 33-year-old GE stove because I wanted to change my kitchen color. It never saw a repairman. I replaced some of the burners a few times and knob adjusted for the oven’s running 25 degrees too hot. In other words, it was in working order. The quality of the new stove is so profoundly inferior that I deeply regret my purchase decision. It has the old-fashioned electric burners because I had learned I could extend the life of my stove by replacing those. I wonder what kinds of regrets the consumers who are purchasing those flat stovetops will face a few years down the road when a burner goes out. I have a 25-year-old Maytag washer that won’t be replaced even though it is the old color. Learned my lesson.

  2. It’s refreshing to see that readers still appreciate more in-depth content. Thanks for your feedback. It means a lot.

  3. Thanks for your articles.. all of them gives a positive energy..a real inspiration for me..waiting for more..<3<3<3

  4. Love all your articles, I’m in the process of decluttering my whole house and also newly vegan (been vegetarian for awhile though) 🙂

  5. I’m in the process of de-cluttering and every single time I get rid of something, I feel lighter! It’s amazing how much I’ve changed my attitude, from feeling comforted by things to feeling weighed down and hassled by them.

  6. I also get itchy with extras around my house. Thanks for the great reminder, and the practical checklist to have in mind when shopping!