person weighing up options - pros and cons of minimalism

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  1. Edward Misch says:

    I am a forensic investigator I collect evidenses and also a computer forensic eidenses and have them in my office which clutters all aroind and know where to get them when needed. I have a lot of laptops and disk drives but they are marked as well. Is it bad when I can help the law enforcement and society in law full actitvity. I do a lot of testing and gadget testings so I have of tools strewn around and know to locate them when needed and was an artist and was judged as creative inspite of my clutterdness, is it wrong? What can you say?

  2. Hi…
    My husband is a hoarder. I’m a minimalist. What can I do to change his way of thinking?

  3. I am a minimalist.

    Neighbors come to my house and offer to give me stuff such as pictures for the walls. They think I am poor and cannot afford to buy things. One younger neighbor walked in and blurted, “Your house is empty!

    When I visit their houses, I feel claustrophobic. Every space and corner is decorated and filled with furniture. I want to flee their houses in order to breathe.

  4. I first started watching YouTube on minimalism because I don’t want to leave all this “stuff” for my children to have to clear out when I’m gone. I follow The Minimal Mom, and I love how she breaks down ideas. Today, I tackled the worst room and sorted like with like. I made excellent progress and was able to make 2 donation bags and 2 trash bags. The room is about 75 percent done. I see the floor! Chaos equals stress to me. I’m exhausted, but I feel great!

  5. I will say that the longer we quietly do this, giving out the same, kind explanation, the more others seem to pause and think about it, even conveying guilt that they have not attempted to consider similarly (for the climate). That. Is. Priceless.

  6. Michelle Lopez says:

    Hi, I’m Michelle, a relatively new vegan and aspiring minimalist. I loved the article but IMHO the fact that minimalism is good for the environment should be listed at the top!

  7. Thank you Michael for this; I can relate to just about everything you mentioned. Especially the part about sometimes feeling lonely with friends who don’t share the same values or interest in minimalism.
    (Maybe in time…) In the meantime, I have the support of helpful websites such as yours!

  8. Thank you so much. Every item that I donate frees my spirit. Someone is always there who needs what I don’t need. I’m embracing minimalism and it’s having an impact on me. Even in being more particular when I go to the supermarket-what is good for me and what is good for Mother Earth?
    Thank you, Michael. I love this site.

  9. Suzannah Heimel says:

    Minimalism increases your free time. You spend less time shopping for things (you don’t really need) and have more time to pursue your interests or investigate new hobbies.

    1. Edward Misch says:

      When you have a hobby you will aquire more thigs you don’t need and end up cluttering your space, get a hooby that would prevent in gatting too much things,like fishing or rifle hunting you eat what you catch.

  10. Thank you Michael for another deeply thoughtful and balanced article. I am always inspired by your thoughts and encouraged to re evaluate my situation in relation to minimalism and life in general. I particularly value your reminder about the benefits of a minimalist lifestyle, that it’s not just about being virtuous and having less stuff but about the very tangible mental, emotional (and spiritual )benefits that one can experience.

    1. My pleasure Sally. It’s pretty surreal when you can feel the mental benefits of minimalism. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  11. Francine Strickland says:

    Loved your honesty ,so refreshing , like you almost were saying “”Go Home if your going to judge my lack of Stuff “!